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Country summary: Belgium

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Belgium - recent news

03 Apr 24
Belgium: TotalEnergies launches new battery storage project in Belgium
TotalEnergies has announced the development of a new battery storage project in Belgium. It will have a power rating of 25 MW and capacity of 75 MWh, thanks to the forty Intensium Max High Energy lithium-ion containers supplied by Saft. Start-up is expected at the end of 2025.
25 Mar 24
Belgium: Parkwind sells Northwind stake to Aspiravi
Parkwind, the offshore wind energy developer wholly owned by JERA Co. Inc., has sold its 30% stake in the Belgian wind farm Northwind to Aspiravi, one of its partners in the project.
15 May 23
Belgium: TotalEnergies launches in Belgium its largest battery energy storage project in Europe
TotalEnergies has launched at its Antwerp refinery (Belgium), a battery farm project for energy storage with a power rating of 25 MW and capacity of 75 MWh, equivalent to the daily consumption of close to 10,000 households.
01 Feb 23
Belgium: Equinor provides update on H2BE hydrogen project in Belgium
Equinor reports that the feasibility study of the 1 GW H2BE hydrogen project, which assessed the technical and economic suitability of a potential location at ENGIE's site at Rodenhuize in Ghent (Belgium), has been completed. ENGIE and Equinor have decided to sign a joint development agreement, progress H2BE to the next development phase and further mature towards concept selection in 2023.
04 Oct 22
Belgium: Decarbonizing Heavy Industry - TotalEnergies and Holcim join forces to study solutions for first carbon-free cement plant in Belgium
TotalEnergies and Holcim in Belgium have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to work together on the full decarbonization of a cement production facility being upgraded by Holcim in Obourg, Belgium.

Belgium - more news

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