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Australia: Mainstream Renewable Power and Someva Renewables awarded a 500 MW investigative permit for onshore wind farm in New South Wales

23 May 2024

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Mainstream Renewable Power, the global pure-play renewable energy company, and Someva Renewables, an Australia-based renewable energy developer, have been awarded a permit by the Forestry Corporation of New South Wales, Australia to jointly investigate an onshore wind farm at Sunny Corner with a potential capacity of approximately 500 MW.

The Sunny Corner project, a joint venture between Mainstream and Someva, was awarded the permit following a 15-month competitive tender and selection process.  The project would be one of the first wind farms to be hosted in a New South Wales State Plantation Forest.

The proposed wind farm will be located within the Sunny Corner State Forest, approximately halfway between Lithgow and Bathurst and 200 kilometres from Sydney’s Central Business District.  When fully operational, it could power an estimated 300,000 homes and save over 1 million tonnes of carbon from being released each year.

The next investigative stages include the installation of a met mast alongside consultation with local communities, First Nations people, forest users, councils, and businesses to understand the local environment and co-design the community benefits program. Following these stages, the project would progress through the normal development process seeking planning approvals from the New South Wales Government.

Throughout the development, construction and operations of the wind project, the Sunny Corner State Forest would remain accessible for forestry users, and recreational activities.

Much of Sunny Corner State Forest is used for industrial softwood production by the state-owned Forestry Corporation. The pine plantations are well-suited for wind farms as they offer large areas in windy locations with access to powerlines and existing road network.

Mainstream’s Group CEO Mary Quaney said: 'We applaud the vision of the Forestry Corporation in seeking to diversify their land use to support the renewable energy transition, and we recognise the important role that Sunny Corner Wind Farm could play in New South Wales’ energy transition, providing clean, affordable and reliable power.'

Someva Managing Director, Jamie Chivers said: 'This is a milestone project for New South Wales and an example of how innovative renewable energy developments can help strengthen regional prosperity. We are excited to be working on this project with Mainstream. We look forward to meeting local communities, First Nations people, forestry users and local interests’ groups to understand how we can incorporate their feedback into the proposed project.'

Anshul Chaudhary, CEO of the Forestry Corporation of New South Wales said: 'We are delighted to have awarded a permit to Mainstream and Someva to investigate a wind farm in Sunny Corner State Forest. After a highly competitive tender process, this will be one of four wind farms to be investigated in a New South Wales State softwood plantation.'

The permits are the first to be awarded after New South Wales Parliament passed amendments to the Forestry Act 2012 allowing State Forests to host renewable energy projects in 2021.

The Sunny Corner project is a 51/49 joint venture between Mainstream Renewable Power and Someva Renewables.

Stay up to date on the development of Sunny Corner Wind Farm by visiting and

Original announcement link

Source: Mainstream Renewable Power

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