In addition to extending the field's useful life by 23 years, the project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55%
Petrobras estimates that the revitalization project of the Marlim field in the Campos Basin will produce an additional cumulative volume of 860 million barrels of oil equivalent. The figure takes into account the total volume of oil to be produced by 2048 when the concession period is due to end. Before the revitalization, Marlim's production was expected to end in 2025 with the return of the field. The revitalization project, which replaced nine platforms with two FPSOs (floating production, storage, and transfer units), will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% compared to the peak expected from the old units.

In daily volumes, the revitalization of Marlim with its two platforms, FPSO Anna Nery and Anita Garibaldi, is expected to add at least 115,000 bpd to Campos Basin production over the next few years.
'There is still a significant volume of oil to be produced in Marlim. We have extended the field's useful life by 23 years, and we want to achieve additional accumulated production of more than 860 million barrels of oil equivalent in this field with the project,' said Mariana Cavassin, executive manager of Production Development Projects at Petrobras. The executive presented Petrobras' progress in revitalizing mature fields in a panel held on Monday (5/6) at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston.
Marlim’s revitalization was the main project presented by Petrobras at the Conference and was responsible for winning the Distinguished Achievement Award, a prize awarded by the OTC to projects that offer innovative technological contributions to the global offshore industry.
Campos Basin renewed
By 2028, Petrobras will invest US$ 22 billion reais in revitalizing the Campos Basin and will install three new production platforms between 2025 and 2028, in the Albacora, Barracuda-Caratinga and Jubarte fields, the first of the three to start operating, in the Espírito Santo portion of the Campos Basin.
The Campos Basin, where the first discoveries were made in the 1970s, was responsible for 20% of the 2.8 million barrels of oil (boe) produced daily by Petrobras in 2023. With the revitalization projects, which include interventions in wells already in operation, drilling new wells and installing more modern platforms, the company aims to increase the volume of oil extracted from the Campos Basin reservoirs (recovery factor) and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
'For the revitalization of the Campos Basin we use an instrument called the Master Plan, which indicates the best alternatives for increasing the recovery factor of the fields, through the drilling of new wells, 4D seismic, extending the useful life of the assets, and even replacing the existing infrastructure in the fields,' said Paulo Marinho, executive manager of Deepwater Exploration and Production, on the same panel.
The Campos Basin revitalization program is the largest recovery program for mature deepwater assets in the world.
Source: Petrobras