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Ireland: Renewables provided close to half of Ireland's electricity in December

07 Jan 2025

Photo - see caption

A chart showing the electricity generation mix in December 2024

Electricity from renewable sources provided for close to half of total demand in December, according to provisional data from grid operator EirGrid.

The majority of renewable electricity(1) generated last month came from windfarms, which accounted for over 40% of all electricity used in Ireland. Total generation from wind energy amounted to 1,287 GWh (Gigawatt hours) over the month.

Overall, renewables provided 46.7% of electricity in December when other sources including grid-scale solar(2) and hydropower are included.

Overall electricity system demand(3) stood at 3,110 GWh for December.

Gas generation accounted for 38% of all electricity used in December, with 12% being imported via interconnection, 2% coming from coal, and the remaining 1% from other sources(4).

Cumulative data for 2024 is subject to finalisation and reporting by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

The SEAI will include some non-centrally monitored generation (such as small scale combined heat and power and microgeneration) which will impact the annual cumulative figures.

EirGrid is responsible for leading Ireland's transition to a low carbon future so that 80% of electricity can come from renewables, as set out in Government targets.

Currently the electricity grid can accommodate up to 75% of electricity from renewable sources at any one time. This is known as the system non-synchronous penetration (SNSP) limit. EirGrid is aiming to further increase the SNSP limit.

Diarmaid Gillespie, Director of System Operations at EirGrid, said: 'Wind energy contributed strongly to electricity generation last month, marking one of the highest December figures for wind energy generation on record according to provisional data.'

About the data

(1)Average Fuel Mix is a representation of the System Generation fuel mix and net imports across the power system. The “Renewables” category includes wind, solar, hydro and biomass sources. It excludes some non-centrally monitored generation (e.g. small scale combined heat and power and microgeneration).

(2)Not including rooftop (embedded) solar.

(3)System demand represents the electricity production required to meet national electricity consumption, including system losses, but net of generators' requirements.

(4)The “Other” category includes Peat, Distillate, Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Aggregated Generating Units (AGUs) and Demand Side Units (DSUs). Waste is split 50% between the “Other” and “Renewable” categories.

Original announcement link

Source: EirGrid

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