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Mongolia: Petro Matad spuds Gobi Bear-1 exploration well

23 Sep 2024

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Petro Matad, the AIM quoted Mongolian oil company, has announced that on 21 September it spudded the Gobi Bear-1 exploration well in the Tamsag Basin of eastern Mongolia. The well is being drilled by DQE International rig #30609 and is located c. 12km southwest of the Heron-1 oil discovery well in the Block XX Exploitation Area.

Gobi Bear-1 is targeting reservoir quality sandstones in the Cretaceous Lower Tsagaantsav Formation which is the main producing horizon in the Tamsag Basin and which was proven to be oil bearing in Petro Matad's nearby Heron-1 and Gazelle-1 wells. Based on seismic interpretation, the primary reservoir target in Gobi Bear-1 is anticipated to be reached at a depth of c. 1,400m within a combination structural/stratigraphic trap at the southern end of the proven prolific Toson Uul sub-basin in which c. 2 billion barrels of oil in place have been discovered in the last 20 years. The Gobi Bear prospect is estimated to have mean oil in-place potential of 307 million barrels and the well is planned to drill to a total depth (TD) of c. 1,800 metres. The well is expected to take c. 20 days to drill to TD following which wireline logging will be conducted to determine if it merits testing. In the event of encouragement, well testing will be performed using the same contractor engaged for the operations planned at the nearby Heron-2 well.

Photo - see caption
Gobi Bear-1 is located c. 12km southwest of the Heron-1 oil discovery well in the Block XX Exploitation Area. (Source: Petro Matad)

Mike Buck, CEO of Petro Matad, said:

'Gobi Bear-1 is an important well within Block XX. The prospect has significant resource potential which can be rapidly exploited in the event of success as it is located within an already approved Exploitation Licence Area.

The well cost is estimated to be $1.5 million, making this a very high impact/very low cost, near-field exploration well. It also has the potential to de-risk other prospects and leads identified within Block XX.

Gobi Bear-1 will also provide important geological information on the characteristics of the Lower Tsagaantsav Formation reservoir where petrophysical parameters may be improved at the relatively shallow depths of burial that are prognosed.'

Further updates will be provided as the 2024 work programme progresses.

Original announcement link

Source: Petro Matad

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