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Country summary: Cambodia

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Cambodia - recent news

10 Oct 22
Cambodia: Angkor Resources' energy subsidiary granted exploration and production licence onshore Cambodia
Angkor Resources has announced that its energy subsidiary, EnerCam Resources, has received final licensing for exploration, development, and production on Block VIII onshore Cambodia.
28 Apr 21
Cambodia: KrisEnergy provides update on Apsara oil field review
Kris Energy has received the independent review of the Apsara field’s performance by third-party petroleum engineering consultant, Netherland, Sewell & Associates (NSAI). Based on performance data of the five wells since they were brought online on 23 February 2021, NSAI concluded that estimated ultimate recovery from the five development wells is likely to be a small fraction of the pre-development estimates.
04 Jan 21
Cambodia: KrisEnergy's Apsara oil field comes onstream
KrisEnergy has announced that Cambodia's first oil field in the offshore Cambodia Block A concession commenced production on December 28 2020. Production is expected to reach a peak rate of approx. 7,500 bopd once the drilling program is completed in mid-February 2021.
26 Aug 20
Cambodia: KrisEnergy hits milestone in Cambodia Block A Apsara oil development as platform sails for field location
KrisEnergy has announced that fabrication of the minimum facilities wellhead platform ('Mini-Platform') for the Apsara oil development offshore Cambodia Block A is completed and the topsides and jacket are being transported to Cambodian waters in the Gulf of Thailand for installation.
01 May 20
Cambodia: KrisEnergy secures loan facility for Cambodia Apsara oil development
KrisEnergy has entered into a credit facility agreement with Kepinvest Singapore for up to US$87 million. The loan facility will be used to fund the development of the Company's Apsara oil field in Block A, offshore Cambodia.

Cambodia - more news

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