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18 Nov 24
Germany: Floating solar plant installed at Mortkasee artificial lake, Saxony
Photovoltaic installations on roofs or in fields is nothing unusual. However, it is probably not widely known that solar installations can also float. That may be about to change, as more than 190 floating solar modules have been installed on the Mortkasee artificial lake in Lohsa, Saxony.
18 Nov 24
Alcazar Energy signs MoU with Egypt’s EETC and NREA to develop a 2 GW onshore wind project in Egypt
Alcazar Energy Partners, a leading independent investor in renewable energy across growth markets, has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) and the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) for the development of a 2 GW onshore wind power project in Egypt.
18 Nov 24
France: Neoen wins 164 MWp of solar projects in France
Neoen, one of the world’s leading producers of exclusively renewable energy, has been awarded 164 MWp of solar and agrisolar projects in the latest call for tenders held by the French government’s Energy Regulation Commission (CRE).
18 Nov 24
Seatrium delivers fifth and final jackup rig for Borr Drilling
Seatrium has delivered its fifth newbuild jackup rig 'Var' to Borr Drilling, nearly one year ahead of schedule. This early delivery highlights the Group’s consistent ability to execute major projects safely, on time and within budget. The successful delivery of Var marks the completion of the latest series of five B Class jackup rigs that Seatrium has built for Borr Drilling.
18 Nov 24
UK: Storegga launches second public consultation on Speyside Hydrogen Project to support decarbonisation of Moray’s distilleries
Storegga, a leading independent developer of low-carbon solutions, has launched the second public consultation for its Speyside Hydrogen project, a pioneering green hydrogen facility planned for Moray, Scotland. Speyside Hydrogen is poised to play a pivotal role in reducing the carbon footprint of Moray’s iconic whisky distilleries.
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