Europe / Caspian / CIS

Ukraine flag
Summary | Profile

Country profile: Ukraine

Location: Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between Poland, Romania, and Moldova in the west and Russia in the east
Climate: temperate continental; Mediterranean only on the southern Crimean coast; precipitation disproportionately distributed, highest in west and north, lesser in east and southeast; winters vary from cool along the Black Sea to cold farther inland
Terrain: most of Ukraine consists of fertile plains (steppes) and plateaus, mountains being found only in the west (the Carpathians), and in the Crimean Peninsula in the extreme south
Size: 603700 sq. km total (Land area: 603700 sq. km )
Population: 45,994,287 (July 2008 est.)
Languages: Ukrainian (official) 67%, Russian 24%, other 9% (includes small Romanian-, Polish-, and Hungarian-speaking minorities)
Government: republic
Capital city: Kyiv (Kiev)
Legal system: based on civil law system; judicial review of legislative acts; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction
Currency: hryvnia (UAH)

Country profile

Ukraine's geographic position, linking East and West, while also holding critical warm water ports on the Black Sea, has made the country a trade link of growing importance between the former Soviet Union and Europe for energy and other goods. Ukraine is one of Europe’s largest energy consumers, and it consumes over twice as much energy per unit of GDP than Germany.

In 2005, almost half of Ukraine’s energy consumption came from natural gas, and over 75 percent of this natural gas came from Russia. Since 2004, the price of imported natural gas from Russia has almost doubled. The economic impact of these price increases on the economy will depend on the pace at which Ukraine can implement energy efficiency reforms. For a more in-depth discussion of the recent increases in natural gas prices and energy efficiency reform in Ukraine, please consult a February 2007 IMF

Energy production and consumption

Oil Gas
Production: 90,400 bbl/day (2006) 20 billion cu m (2006 est.)
Consumption: 284,600 bbl/day (2006) 73 billion cu m (2006 est.)
Exports: 214,600 bbl/day (2006) 4 billion cu m (2006 est.)
Imports: 469,600 bbl/day (2006) 57 billion cu m (2006 est.)
Reserves: 395 million bbl (1 January 2006 est.) 1 trillion cu m (1 January 2006 est.)
Major fields:

Ukraine - recent news

18 Jul 24
Supply shift: End of Ukraine gas transit sets the stage for LNG and pipeline diversions
The European Union (EU) targets a ban on Russian fuel imports by 2027. However, nearly half of Russia's pipeline gas supplies to Europe and Moldova are still passing through Ukraine, totaling 13.7 billion cubic meters (Bcm) in 2023.
17 Jul 24
Ukraine: Enwell Energy announces update on operations in Ukraine
Enwell Energy, the AIM-quoted oil and gas exploration and production group, has provided an update on its operational activities in Ukraine.
03 Jul 24
Ukraine's Naftogaz increases gas production by 8%
In the first six months of 2024, Naftogaz Group companies – JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya and PJSC Ukrnafta – have already produced 7.3 bcm of commercial gas, 8% more than in the same period last year.
01 Jul 24
Ukraine: Enwell Energy announces cancellation of suspensions of VAS and SC licences in Ukraine
Enwell Energy, the AIM-quoted oil and gas exploration and production group, has announced that the State Geologic and Subsoil Survey of Ukraine (the 'SGSS') has issued orders to cancel the suspensions of the Company's Vasyschevskoye ('VAS') production licence and Svystunivsko-Chervonolutskyi ('SC') exploration licence in Ukraine.
19 Apr 24
UK/Denmark: National Grid launches Viking Link, the next step towards a North Sea super-grid
Delivering a major milestone in the UK energy transition and the next step in creating a North Sea grid, National Grid has today formally launched Viking Link, a record-breaking 475-mile-long land and subsea cable connecting British and Danish energy grids for the first time.

Ukraine - more news

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