Middle East / Africa

Palestine flag
Summary | Profile

Country profile: Palestine

Size: sq. km total (Land area: sq. km  Water area: sq.km)
Capital city:
Legal system:

Country profile

Energy production and consumption

Oil Gas
Production: NaN  NaN 
Consumption: NaN  NaN 
Exports: NaN  NaN 
Imports: NaN  NaN 
Reserves: NaN  NaN 
Major fields:

Palestine - recent news

20 Jun 23
Israel approves Gaza Marine gas development, wants security assurances
Israel has given preliminary approval for the development of a gas field off the Gaza Strip while saying it would require security coordination with the Palestinian Authority and neighbouring Egypt.
04 Apr 18
Palestine seeking new developer - offers 45 pct stake in Gaza gas field
The Palestinians are seeking to sell a 45 percent stake in the Gaza Marine gas field off Gaza to help to develop the project, its main stakeholder, the Palestine Investment Fund, said on Wednesday after Royal Dutch Shell announced it had pulled out.
04 Apr 18
Palestine: Shell sells entire interest in Gaza Marine licence
Royal Dutch Shell said Wednesday that it has reached an agreement with the Palestine Investment Fund to sell its entire stake in the Gaza Marine licence, offshore Palestine.
05 Mar 18
Palestine: Shell gives up on Gaza's offshore gas field
Royal Dutch Shell has given up its stake in an undeveloped natural gas field off the Gaza Strip, sending the Palestinians looking for a new foreign group to replace it, Palestinian officials said on Monday.

Palestine - more news

Other countries in this region

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